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Since we have announced that we are moving from Blackpool, we have been overwhelmed by the fondness and support we have had. It has been humbling to discover how much we have impacted the town and in a new season, we have an exciting vision to replicate our work through mission hubs across the UK, as well as maintain a training centre that will specialise in pioneer mission training. To do that, we are looking for people to join our network of Refreshers.


The need for Refreshers is evident in many ways. The aim of Refreshment is to provide a full programme across a week that changes the atmosphere and individual people's lives. In Blackpool, the area we based our first hub has seen significant commercial growth and a decline in anti-social behaviour. It comes from four P’s – prayer, proclamation, praise and presence. In the next two years in Blackpool, thousands of students and workers are going to be on our doorstep.


Our vision for mission hubs is threefold - to be obvious in sharing the gospel, blessing the local church and directly engaging with the culture. Where the gospel, church and culture meet, that’s where Refreshment thrives. We rarely find ourselves in a church building, but through a diverse range of activities focused on discipleship and outreach, Refreshers are found in locations well-known in the area. Refreshers aim to be in the midst of the action, going to where people are, and provide daily activities that both address loneliness and offer hope and help.


We have been running our mission hub in Blackpool since 2017 and it been a constant place of refuge on the high street. As Simon & Laura Cooper leave Blackpool in March 2025, a group has been set up to maintain the work of the hub and develop the building further, including a Christian Resource Centre, tea rooms and a meeting space for united mission work. Our networks are 100% volunteer led by Refreshers passionate about their area.


Blackpool is also home to the Refresh Centre, where we plan to continue our mission training and offer a place of retreat. We are working alongside chaplaincy services in prisons to be able to offer a new mission training programme – BREAKING THE CHAINS – for Christian ex-offenders. This will take place alongside inspiring mission training and retreats in the 14-bedroom location. The fundraising campaign enables us to purchase this amazing location which has been requested by the many visitors across the last ten years. It is clear from people’s response to us leaving that the Refresh Centre is a special place and needs to be maintained for Christians.


Beyond Blackpool, our vision is to replicate mission hubs across the UK. We teach and truly believe that nothing is impossible with God, and recognise the calling of Refreshers to bring hope to a society that is devoid of hope. Our next location for a mission hub is to be based in Hinckley, Leicestershire and based on the high street. This will be pioneered by Simon and Laura Cooper, founders of Refreshment UK, who will encourage and equip a local group of Refreshers to deliver a similar programme to provide help and hope alongside the local church.


Afte that, we know of several other locations where our vision to provide help and hope on the high street can bring the kingdom to the heart of a town. These will be managed by local networks, with direct support from our founders at the centre of the town. We will encourage and equip a network of Refreshers in each place to be obvious about the gospel, draw together the local church and directly engage with the culture.




You can make a one-off donation here of the following amount:


  • £10
  • £100
  • £1000


Whilst there are options to pay by card or PayPal, please consider donating directly by direct transfer or cheque as 100% of those donations go to Refreshment UK.


When you make a donation, you will receive a thank you card and you will become one of our Refreshers, regularly receiving communications on the progress of the campaign.

